Tuesday, August 25, 2009

so I am a crackberry addict....

Before coming to Uganda I did some research on the major telecoms to ensure that I would be able to get a local service provider for my blackberry. I then spoke to our IT guy to ensure that my BB was unlocked, got permission to take it with me and agreed to pay for my own data plan. Upon arrival I went to get service - and realized that it is not as easy to do as it is at home. There is no such thing as credit card billing and the companies require passport photos, a letter from your employer and a significant deposit if you want post-paid service. (Most people use a pre-paid service and buy scratch cards to add credit to their phone.) I then discovered that my BB was locked! I had a few weeks of panic...that I would have to spend a fortune on a new one...or have to survive without it.

I have since learned that it is quite easy to get it unlocked - you can purchase a code online! Today I went to get my service set up..... it took a visit to the store (a long wait for the driver to return) and then to the head office to get someone that could help me. As it was so late in the day at this point - they were unable to give me my new sim card, but with any luck by tomorrow at this time I will have a Uganda mobile number and data on my BB!!! I am looking forward to being able to text my new friends (everyone lives on sms here) on a full keyboard as opposed to a phone pad!

Some may laugh at my addiction - but as half of my immediate family and many of my friends are also crackberry addicts, it has been a great cheap way to stay in touch! It also provides me email access when the power goes out (which happens more frequently than one might think.)

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